What Causes Damage to Your Timber Furniture?

Timber furniture is, of course, made to last for a long time. This does not, however, mean that it is indestructible. You need to take good care of timber furniture. This will include regular maintenance. Most damage that happens to timber furniture comes from the environment the furniture is exposed to, damage during transportation or shipping and careless handling or maintenance. See what these damages entail:

Environmental Damage 

This may include damage caused by the sun, humid conditions and bio predation. The sun's harmful rays will cause discolouration, especially for timber furniture located outside and not protected. Protecting timber furniture from the harmful rays may include having the furniture under a shade or applying a protective coating to the timber.

Humid conditions are not also good for timber furniture. Wood will always absorb water leading to expansion, swelling and contraction or shrinking. This will eventually lead to weakness, breakage or distortion. You need to apply a water repellent coating to the timber to help protect it from humid environments. Fungi, mildew and mould will also grow in humid conditions.

Bio predation mainly involves insects and rodents. You may be well aware of how termites destroy wood. If you feel or know that your home has a risk for termites, call termite control to deal with the termites before they get to your expensively bought furniture. Rodents will not eat your timber furniture but will be sure to destroy it through gnawing. To keep rodents away, you need to eliminate their nesting places and get rid of food sources.

Damage During Transportation or Shipping

If care is not taken when your timber furniture is being delivered to your home, breakage can result. At times, your furniture may be exposed to moisture and get to you swollen from water absorption. This can be eliminated by using a qualified and reputable transportation and shipping company.

Careless Handling, Use and Maintenance

When it comes to the use of your timber furniture, you need to ask yourself various questions. What are you placing on your furniture? Are you placing hot beverages, hot irons, organic solvents like alcohol and polish removers on it? Are you using the furniture correctly? For example, do you sit on weak arms of a chair or where you are supposed to sit on? How do you move furniture? Are you taking care not to stress weak parts or joints? Avoid rushing, as this is how scratches, gouges and dents occur. Also, avoid dragging as vibrations can loosen or break parts.

When you put these key things in mind when handling timber furniture, the furniture will give you service for quite a long time.
